Last night was the best sleep I ever had . I drifted to sleep with Anne's thought , I am starting my school today , never excited about the first day it's the most awkward possible day .Ā I woke up around 6 amĀ to start my day , skipped my run today
After getting ready I went downstairs to eat my breakfast . Everyone was gathered down maybe waiting for me as soon as my grandmother saw me .
"Look who's all ready to start a new day at new school" she chimed.
"You look good , girls are going to go crazy today" my mother jokingly said.
"Nothing like that is going to happen Mom" I replied
I sat down besides grandfather and started to dig in with my breakfast .
My grandfather spoke through half the breakfast , "I hope you remember my words , I don't want any trouble , unlike your old school I don't want you to come home with any blooded face or bruises on your body parts."
I replied with a small yes and we all finished the rest of the breakfast in silence.
Around 6:45am I bid goodbye to everyone, went to garage took my bike and started my way to school
Around 7am I reached , very little to few students were present , looking towards my direction they might be curious to see a new face . Finding my way to administration office . I started searching for Mrs Hills as my grandfather told me , I noticed a lady in formals , short height , dusky skintone , long hairs and a sweet welcoming smile . I saw her badge and it said Sherlyn Hills . I started walking towards her , "Good morning, I am Xavier Brown , William Brown's grandkids . Are you Mrs Hills ?"
"Yes , sweety it's me , Mr Brown has already informed me about you , you need your schedule , campus map and your lecture timetable right?" , she smiles and points to a office around the corner of the room.
I followed her as we entered she went around the table took out a bunch of papers and handed me the papers . "I'll accompany you to your first lecture viz. English literature if I am not wrong" she said .
"Thankyou Mrs Hills and that's correct, English literature is my first lecture . Don't worry I'll figure out the way to class you don't have to bother" I said.
She laughs a little and says , "there's no bother , it's my work let me do my work , child."Ā And starts to walk out the office. We went to a different building and then entered to the 2nd floor , fourth class to the left is my class she handed me the locker keys.She leaves after saying goodluck.
After few hours
Exactly at 7:20 am my lecture started and now at 3pm , I've just finished my last lecture. The day went okay ,at lunch break I took half n hour to find cafeteria and by then the break was over. I met few students and talked with few, my benchmate Evan , he stays near my house and apparently he is very excited to walk home with me every morning. Maybe his heart broke when I said I come from bike but when I said I can pick him up and drop him everyday in my bike , he was quite happy about it .
We decided at what time I will pick him , exchanged our numbers.I was walking towards the exit when I saw crowd of people standing in circle , there was big commotion Me and Evans go towards it to see what happened.
My blood boiled when I see a stupid fucking boy is bullying Anne . She is on the ground and he isĀ pulling her hairs , I couldn't control myself and started pacing towards them . I couldn't think straight all I can see is Anne's crying face and blood coming out of her nose. Before I could reach he slaps Anne again to which she winces , I was seeing red.
I grab him and detach him from Anne , I don't know what comes over me I start to punch him and hit his head to the pillar nearby. Everyone gasped around us .
"How dare you hit her ? I swear to god I am going to kill you fucking bastard . I am going to make sure you see hell .You mess with her you mess with me motherfucker."Shouts on his face .
Everyone is looking at us , that's when Anne comes towards and did the most unexpected thing ever. She slapped me I am shocked to the core , why would she slap me when I am helping her I thought.
"Do not interfere in my matters" she says and walks away.
I couldn't believe what she said , I was helping her I ignored her and turn towards the boy , "what's your name?" I ask .
"Sam" he stammers a little , afraid of me .
I say in my dark angry voice , "I don't care what she said . But if anyone troubles her , hurts her , even if she sheds one tear because of anyone. I will kill that person , you hurt her and I hurt you Do you understand?"
I hear a small okay before leaving him. Breaking through the crowd Evans following me . I sit on my bike followed by Evans , we go towards our homes.
Throughout the ride Evan was very quiet , whatever I got to know today one thing I knew was he can never stay quite for so long.
"What happen ?" I asked as he gets down from my bike . He replies , "Nothing, it's just I was quite scared when I saw you attacking Sam . Why did you hit him for that girl? Do you know her ? Oh shit you fucking like her don't you"
He shouted crazily while saying the last line .
"Don't be scared , I won't attack you and yes I know her , Met her yesterday at the book store and yes I like her" I say.
After talking for few minutes we part ways and I go towards my house.
As soon as open the front door , I see my grandfather looking angry , beside him is my grandmother trying to cool him down and my mother sitting on the couch with her hands holded over her chest .
I guess Mrs Hills takes her job very seriously and informed them about today's highlights even before I could reach home.
"What did I tell you about fights ?? And who's the girl ? Why are you fighting for girls ? Trying to show how cool you are , I told you I have a reputation in this town and warned you to not do anything that could ruin my image.
Don't stay still answer me ." He shouts on my face , while my grandmother is still trying to cool him down .
"First of all , the boy was physically harassing her , and your town students were not doing shit. I had to help her. She literally had a bloody nose and bruised up face . Do you still want to know why I hit him.
I wasn't showing off,Ā I was helping someone who needed help and at that point she needed my helpĀ and if somethingĀ anything like this happens again I'll do it again" I say
He collected himself after hearing the whole thing and says , "Did you threaten to kill him?"
I said "yes"
"I want that girl's name" he asked after few seconds.
I know my grandfather , he might do something to keep Anne away from me which I couldn't afford.I did what I had to .
"I don't know her name , she wasn't from my school .She is outsider" I spoke after thinking.
My grandfather wakes towards me and stands right in front of me before saying , "I am letting you go off for the first time , I don't want anything like this to happen again . You are very privileged to have me as your school trustee or else they might have suspended you . Anything like this again and I'll send you to your father. I hope you understand "
He warns me and goes upstairs, my grandmother give me a sympathetic look and my mom a disappointed one and the follow him upstairs.
I guess no dinner today.
I go to my room and change to fresh clothes , after scrolling through my phone I go to my study to complete my schoolwork , after a couple of hour I am completely done . I look towards my table clock it says 7 pm . I go out to my room , sit on my bed and decided to do something , opened my Netflix account and started watching a movie but I couldn't see the movie , the whole time I was thinking about Anne and why would she slap me ?
I don't know what might she be feeling right now .I decided to text her
I don't know what happened to you today and why again I can't understand why did you slap me . But I know there might be your reasons and if you are worrying about school , don't be my grandfather took care of it , I am sorry if I hurt your feelings and I am sorry because if anything like this happens to you again I will interfere I don't care.
I hit send , after few minutes Anne see the message but there was no reply. I am quite tired after everything I decided to call it a night and got to bed .
Maybe half an hour later I started to doze off and drifted to sleep
Hello everyone
New chapter
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Do you think Xavier did right by hitting Sam and what is your opinion on Anne's reaction to it ??
To publish my own books on my own . To follow and passion and make a living. To show people that following passion is not a mistake but a blessing ā¤ļø
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